今天发现一个Blog,是一个德国小伙从北京步行回家(靠近德国汉诺威,Bad Nenndorf)的记录。从去年秋天开始的行程,现在已经到西安了。全部的行程,计划2年多的时间完成。
The longest way:
This photo blog is dedicated to a walk from China to Germany starting in fall 2007. It is called "thelongestway.com" even though it is not attempting to set any sort of record. There are longer ways, and many people have walked them before. So what's the point in calling this "the longest way?" It's actually quite simple. Some take walks and others do other things. Nevertheless, this goes for everyone - it is the longest way from a daydream to a dream.
As you can see on the map, the route that I figured out is going to take me from Beijing to Western China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Armenia, Turkey, Greece, former Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Austria, and back home through Germany to my beloved Bad Nenndorf. Ten hours by plane. More than two years on foot.
It's the safest route I could come up with. Some deserts and mountains to walk around. Some areas that get extremely hot in summer and cold in winter. Some people that speak languages I don't know. But all in all, after having done quite a bit of research on this, I think it should be possible.
I'm planning to update this site with new words and pictures as often as I can, once in a couple of days where internet access is widely available, once every other week (or maybe even less) as I'm crawling through areas that have no phone lines at all. No reason to worry if nothing happens on this site for a short period of time, I'll do my best to keep everyone updated!
Christoph Rehage