




2018年计划读书60本,实际完成70本。阅读清单如下(#Audible 表示是使用Audible听的有声书 ;#Kindle 表示 Kindle上读的书):

  • 柯思仁《舞台亮起》八方文化:新加坡的作家,联合早报上文章的集子,文笔清新,但话题较单一。 1/60
  • 蒋勋《说文学之美:品味唐诗》有鹿文化:谈美,唐诗之美的文字,感人的部分可贵,听蒋勋讲来,各种艺术相通,诗歌、绘画、电影等的比较。 2/60
  • George Stuart Fullerton, An Introduction to Philosophy,  哲学基本概念的讲述,难得的清晰明了。 #Audible 3/60
  • 西蒙·蒙蒂菲奥里《耶路撒冷三千年》(Simon Montefiore, Jerusalem: The Biography) 内容丰富,但翻译水平低(集体翻译),更加深之前“若能读原著,不读译文”的想法。 #Kindle 4/60
  • 张大春《四喜忧国》时报文化出版:短篇小说集,有台湾地域和时代的影子。 5/60
  • Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky. 公共知识分子谈政治,书中时事虽已过时,思考方式和角度还是很独到。 #Audible 6/60
  • 张大春《离魂》海豚出版社:短篇小说集,多是古代荒唐故事的现代书写。 7/60
  • 王天一《人工智能革命:历史,当下和未来》:讲技术发展,一定要穿插科学家们的八卦,于是就生动起来。#Kindle 8/60
  • 阿来《瞻对:终于融化的铁疙瘩》九歌出版社:非虚构作品,串连史料与民间故事,重现一个川藏地区的历史,但觉小说家为历史所约束,展不开手脚来。 9/60
  • Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, Kent Lineback, Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation. 关于“创新”和“领导力”,以若干案例为主,缺少系统性分析。 #Audible 10/60
  • Wilkie Collins, Mrs. Zant and the Ghost:朗读者Gillian Anderson (The X-Files 女主角)的声音语调真有特色,短篇故事,出彩的是朗读。#Audible 11/60
  • Christopher McDougall 《天生就会跑》严冬冬译:纪实作品,关于长跑,墨西哥铜峡谷里塔拉乌马拉人。不错的译文 #Kindle 12/60
  • 蒋勋《品味四讲》长江文艺出版社:谈衣食住行中的美,常常被忽视被“忙”所掩盖,在于主动的寻找,在于Mindfulness。 13/60
  • 吴晓波《把生命浪费在美好的事物上》:更喜欢前半部里关于作者自己的文章,后半部则是当经济记者写的文章。 #Kindle 14/60
  • 路内《慈悲》:《花街往事》、《三部曲》一路读来,这本略短小,但足够感人,尤其到结尾处的变化。亦可见鲜明的时代背景。 #Kindle 15/60
  • 余世存《先知中国》:略有掉书袋感,到最后“附录大事记”并列中国历史和圣经方才有趣,“先知”与“预言”之类,统计学上的选择性选取样本而来。 #Kindle 16/60
  • 蒋勋《生活十讲》长江文艺出版社:广播节目录音整理,“文化”与“物化”的平衡。 17/60
  • Norman Mailer, The Naked and the Dead. 十五六年前度过中译本《裸者与死者》,再听原著大部头,依然精彩。 #Audible 18/60
  • 柴静《看见》广西师范大学出版社:作为记者的柴静,关注社会的几个层面,话题较广,但挖掘深度方面缺失。19/60
  • Bertrand Russell, The Problems with Philosophy. 罗素的哲学导引。 #Audible 20/60
  • 杜平《我在媒体这些年》八方文化创作室:笔调平和,但回忆录内容与时事结合,只能在新加坡出版,不避敏感的话题。21/60
  • 蒋勋《孤独六讲》长江文艺出版社:讲情欲、语言、革命、暴力、思维和伦理中的孤独,另封面英文书名loneliness 应为solitude,前者为感受,后为状态。22/60
  • 王安忆《匿名》人民文学出版社:明显作者转型的作品,故事主线不清,浸没在琐细的描述和讲述中,与之前作品不同,应是一种尝试。 23/60
  • 严歌苓《赴宴者》The Banquet Bug 郭强生译,陕西师范大学出版社:原著英语,译本尚可。 24/60
  • 季羡林《一生的远行》:游记的集合,建国前后的文笔的断续,为自己所写和场面文章的交杂。 #Kindle 25/60
  • Charles Dickens. David Copperfield. 经典小说,篇幅长人物多,节奏慢。 #Audible 26/60
  • 《木心谈木心:文学回忆录补遗》印刻文学:惊异于书中所引几篇散文,在大陆出版的木心文集中不见踪迹。《文学回忆录》中取出的关于木心自己的九讲。 27/60
  • 毛姆《阅读是一座随身携带的避难所:毛姆读书笔记》:毛姆关于几本名著作者的八卦,以及对作品的个人解读。#Kindle 28/60
  • Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis. 这么短小的作品,之前竟然没读过。人的逐渐消失,由自己和他人的关系,存在与消失。#Audible 29/60
  • 鲁敏《我以虚妄为业》:前半部分写自己的文字显真,后半部则显得有些拼篇幅。#Kindle 30/60
  • 出口治明《当机立断》:成功学的小书,以理性和分析来做决定。 #Kindle 31/60
  • 鲁敏《荷尔蒙夜谈》:短篇小说集,有些结局出人意料(不合理)。 #Kindle 32/60
  • Robin Sharma, The Leader Who Had No Title. 讲领导力,但讲述方法有趣,以一个虚拟的故事来写,听起来很有效果。 #Audible 33/60
  • 白先勇《孽子》:关于同性恋群体的小说,几个人物故事的交叉,很感人。 #Kindle 34/60
  • 白先勇《纽约客》:短篇小说集,以纽约为背景写的若干故事。 #Kindle 35/60
  • 《蒋勋说宋词》:专说宋词中的几家,有承前启后的联系以显诗歌发展的脉络。#Kindle 36/60
  • 《毛姆读书随笔》:关于作家作品的解读与琐事,与之前一册毛姆文集有若干重复篇章。#Kindle 37/60
  • 蒋勋《手帖:南朝岁月》印刻文学:南朝书法书信,文人生活与轶事,交杂《世说新语》,从只言片语中想象彼时文人间的交互。 38/60
  • 白先勇《台北人》:短篇小说集,所谓台北人都是以大陆去台湾的背景,作者较早的一本小说集。 #Kindle 39/60
  • 白先勇《树犹如此》:记事写人的杂文集,与此作品集中其它几册不同,为非虚构作品。 #Kindle 40/60
  • Jung Chang(张戎), Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. 通过三代人的角度写二十世纪的中国,非常出色的一本书。中文译本《鸿》,来源是作者母亲的名字,从一家三代女人的角度横跨来二十世纪的中国。这本书在国内绝对是禁书,台湾香港有中文译本。再次体会来,想了解中国唯有学好英文。#Audible 41/60
  • 许倬云《从历史看组织》:把朝代当公司看,生硬地归类不同管理结构,少讨论。#Kindle 42/60
  • 胡适《四十自述》思行文化传播:作者四十岁写的自传,写到一九一〇年(二十岁)。后附一篇《逼上梁山:文学革命的开始》补充在美留学阶段。43/60
  • 格非《望春风》:以一人角度写一村历史的乡土小说,人物众多但并不突出。 #Kindle 44/60
  • 伍绮诗《无声告白》Celeste Ng, Everything I Never Told You. 孙璐译。原文英文,写一个中国背景家庭在美国小镇上的故事,青春期女儿自杀,人融入异化的交杂。 #Kindle 45/60
  • Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. 与The Leader Who Had No Title类似,用故事的形式讲理,此次是讲人生理想与目标的,用Fable中多个标志性事物来代替与象征,很形象。 #Audible 46/60
  • Micheal Mosley and Mimi Spencer《轻断食》The Fast Diet:推荐一周两天减食,亦讲断食的好处,BBC记者的纪录片,此书有不少实用的方法。 #Kindle 47/60
  • 齐邦媛《巨流河》远见天下文化:难得的好书,用一辈子写出来的书,上半部在大陆,下半部在台湾。一个知识分子,教育者的回忆录,近现代的中国,成书出版时作者八十五岁。48/60
  • 《蒋勋说文学——从诗经到陶渊明》#Kindle 49/60
  • Brooke McAlary. Destination Simple: Everyday Rituals for a Slower Life. #Kindle 50/60
  • 韩梅梅《一个自己的房间》#Kindle 51/60
  • David Eimer. The Emperor Far Away. “山高皇帝远”,关于中国边境少数民族的记录。 #Audile 52/60
  • 张允和《曲终人不散》:多篇张允和回忆文字的集合。 #Kindle 53/60
  • 《蒋勋说文学——从唐代散文到现代文学》#Kindle54/60
  • 於梨华《考验》停云出版社:女作家的笔触与描写,写一五口之家的变化。男方大学教授,学术与政治;女方女性独立,三个子女。一个简短时间段内的变化。讲故事着实悠慢。关于大学部分有感同身受,多由于类似的背景。接着找了几本类背景的书,如David Lodge的小说。 55/60
  • 蒋勋《美,看不见的竞争力》:作者演讲集。 #Kindle 56/60
  • 池本克之《赢在下班后》#Kindle 57/60
  • Staffan Noteberg《番茄工作法图解》#Kindle 58/60
  • 李礼安《民国暖色:合肥四姐妹》:写张家四姐妹,之前读过几册张氏姐妹们写的书,这一册似是集合各书,穿插不少转接承合而已。 #Kindle 59/60
  • 佐佐木圭一《所谓情商高,就是会说话》#Kindle 60/60
  • 齐藤显一,竹内里子《麦肯锡图表工作法》#Kindle 61/60
  • 有川真由美《整理情绪的力量》#Kindle 62/60
  • Nigel Benson, Introducing Psychology: A Graphic Guide. #Kindle 63/60
  • Rob Schmitz, Street of Eternal Happiness: Big City Dreams along a Shanghai Road. 上海长乐路,一个记者角度记录的时代变迁。#Audible 64/60
  • 伍绮诗《小小小小的火》:常态与出走,写家庭的小说,不完整家庭的追求,完美家庭里的不安。 #Kindle 65/60
  • 刘慈欣《三体1》:很久没有读科幻小说,这本几乎是一口气读完了。#Kindle 66/60
  • 林欣浩《哲学家都干了些什么》:一本通俗的哲学读物,用易懂有趣的语言写繁杂的哲学发展史和哲学家们的轶事。 #Kindle 67/60
  • 布兰登·伯查德《能力都是逼出来的》:非典型的励志立志书,翻译也很出色。 #Kindle 68/60
  • Ryan Williams. Power Habits: 50 habits that will help you to get the most out of life. #Kindle 69/60
  • Benedict Carey. How We Learn #Audible 70/60



开始读(听)Robin Sharma: The Leader Who Had No Title。


10 Human Regrets

  1. You reach your last day with the brilliant song that your life was meant to sing still silent within you.
  2. You reach your last day without ever having experienced the natural power that inhabits you to do great work and achieve great things.
  3. You reach your last day realising that you never inspired anyone else by the example you set.
  4. You reach your last day full of pain at the realisation that you never took any bold risks and so you never received any bright rewards.
  5. You reach your last day understanding that you missed the opportunity to catch a glimpse of mastery because you bought into the lie that you had to be resigned to mediocrity.
  6. You reach your last day and feel heartbroken that you never learned the skill of transforming adversity into victory and lead into gold.
  7. You reach your last day regretting that you forgot that work is about being radically helpful to others rather than being helpful only to yourself.
  8. You reach your last day with the awareness that you ended up living the life that society trained you to want versus leading the life you truly wanted to have.
  9. You reach your last day and awaken to the fact that you never realised your absolute best nor touched the special genius that you were built to become.
  10. You reach your last day and discover you could have been a leaders and left this world so much better than you found it. But you refused to accept this mission because you were just too scared. And wasted a life.

10 Human Victories

  1. You reach your end full of happiness and fulfillment on realising that you are all used up – having spent the fullness of your talents, the biggest of your resources, and best of your potential doing great work and leading a rare-air life.
  2. You reach your end knowing that you played at a standard of concentrated excellence and held yourself to the most impeccable standards in each thing you did.
  3. You reach your end in noisy celebration for having the boldness of spirit to have regularly confronted your largest fears and realised your highest visions.
  4. You reach your end and recognise that you became a person who build people up versus one who tore people down.
  5. You reach your end with the understanding that while your journey may have not always been a smooth one, whenever you got knocked down you instantly got back up – and at all times, never suffered from any loss optimism.
  6. You reach your end and bask in the staggering glory of your phenomenal achievements along with the rich value you have contributed to the lives of the people you were lucky to serve.
  7. You reach your end and adore the strong, ethical, inspirational and empathetic person you grew into.
  8. You reach your end and realise that you were a genuine innovator who blazed new trails instead of following old roads.
  9. You reach your end surrounded with teammates who call you a rock star, customers who say you’re a hero, and loved ones who call you a legend.
  10. You reach your end as a true Leader Without a Title, knowing that the great deeds you did will endure long after your death and that your life stands as a model of possibility.



Soil by Irène P. Mathieu


Soil (Irène P. Mathieu, Twitter @gumbo_amando)

the way you say soil sounds
like soul, as in

after we walked through the woods
my feet were covered in soul

when it rains
the soul turns to mud

the soul is made of decomposed
plants and animal matter;

edaphology is the study of the soul's
influence on living things

while pedology is the study of how
soul is formed, its particular granularity.

you are rooted in a certain red patch
of soul that bled you and your

hundred cousins to life, a slow
warm river you call home.

maybe there is soul under everything,
even when we strike rock first.

the way you say soil you make
a poem out of every speck of dirt.



成功的因素有四个:天赋,勤奋,机遇和出身。除了“勤奋”以外,其它的因素都是不可控的,所以在这个方面讨论的都是如何“勤奋”。“成功学”和“自控力”类的书籍经常提到的一个概念,刻意练习(deliberate practice)“一万小时定律”,最初是来自心理学的研究(下文):

Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological review100(3), 363. PDF Download



(一)每周工作五天,那么每天的有效工作时间至少是 10,000/3.5/52/5 = 10.99 小时

(二)每周工作六天,那么每天的有效工作时间至少是 10,000/3.5/52/6 = 9.16 小时




[1] Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., & Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological review100(3), 363.

[2] Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success.

[3] Cal Newport, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.

[4] Angela Duckworth, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. 
