

7月10日,在arxiv上登出一篇论文《中国股市泡沫:濒临崩盘》(The Chinese Equity Bubble: Ready to Burst),链接在这里。这篇不到3页的论文,预测上证指数崩盘日期在2009年7月17日和7月27日之间。


Amid the current financial crisis, there has been one equity index beating all others: the Shanghai Composite. Our analysis of this main Chinese equity index shows clear signatures of a bubble build up and we go on to predict its most likely crash date: July 17-27, 2009 (20%/80% quantile confidence interval).


在当前的金融危机中,出现了一个股票指数,它打败了所有其他股票指数,就是上海证券综合指数。经过我们分析,这中国的主要股票指数显示了经济泡沫的建立,我们预测了其最有可能崩盘的日期:2009年7月17号到27号,(20 %/80 %置信区间)。

这篇文章作者单位包括BNP Paribas Fortis、苏黎世理工、Swiss Finance Institute以及华东理工大学。最后一个作者,Wei-Xing Zhou现在的单位就在华东理工大学商学院。他曾经在2006年Physica A上发表过关于美国房地产泡沫的文章。而那篇文章里,他的单位是华东理工大学化学反应工程国家实验室。难道在2006年成功预测美国房地产泡沫之后该行了?




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Harvard near bankruptcy:

…… According to Boston Magazine Harvard University is to face some very serious problems. The University currently spends about 1.5 billion USD/year, it has lost several billion during crisis - including 500 million thanks to Larry Summers, super feminist fighter (essentially, he presented those 500 million as a gift for GS). If only Dr. Summers spent more time thinking about what he was supposed to think about… but he is clearly not the person to blame as they want him to be.

11 billion of Harvard’s money are currently to be repaid to private investors as capital commitments in the next 10 years, Harvard currently has 13 billion in various assets - and what if the crisis did not reach its bottom yet? What if Harvard is to expect more endowment losses? And all this does not include construction of the new campus in Allston which will be surely put on hold.

Sad, saaad news.



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