8月买了月票,到市中心的频率就高了不少。上周六,到VOBIS,不过买电脑的人太多,感觉像是菜市场,所以只是看看价格和配置。然后到Medie Market,发现数码相机的部门,试用的人太多了,但大都是在试消费相机,几个单反反而很孤单。
Karlsruhe的Medie Market对面就是买Porsch跑车的,几十辆跑车就放在露天。昨天下班又到Vobis和ARTL看电脑。德国的PC,大都只售主机,称为PC System,需要用的话要另购显示器。PC店一般6点前就关门,也难怪周六那么多人买电脑了。
今天,提早下了班,到市中心的Karstadt购 Acer AL1715ms TFT,费199欧(想想以前买15寸液晶要将近3k RMB)。Karstadt相当一个市中心的百货商店,价格偏高,不过最近电子产品的部门装修,有不少特价。过几天就要去买主机了,由于预算的原因,选择的范围不是太广,不过要求也不是太高。
No name Said,
28 8 月, 2005 @ 22:23
Amberdigital Branch,Southern Stars Enterprises Co is specializing in the development and manufacturing of advertising displays, advertising player and LCD displays. Established in 1996, we have explored and developed the international market with professionalism. We have built a widespread marketing network, and set up a capable management team dedicated to provide beyond-expectation services to our customers.
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Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Hong Kong Office)
Add:3 Fl, No.2, Lane 2, Kam Tsin Tsuen, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong
Tel:+852 2681 4099
Fax:+852 2681 4586
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Add:DE, 16/F, Building 2, Nanguo Tower, Sungang Road, Shenzhen, China
Tel:+86 755 2592 9100
Fax:+86 755 2592 7171