
今天悉尼晨报上的报道,关于曾庆红同志的儿子Zeng Wei和儿媳Jiang Mei在悉尼Point Piper区斥资3200万澳元购买豪宅以后,又打算花费上百万澳元把这栋房屋重建,结果被Woollahra政府拒绝,这已经是他们夫妇第三次重建申请了。

另外据2007年的报道,Zeng Wei已经在澳大利亚进行了商业移民。

位于Point Piper区的3200万澳元豪宅


The Sydney Morning Herald 原文链接。无疑这样的新闻,和诺贝尔和平奖一样,在屏蔽范围之内。所以附录报道原文如下,作为备案。

Mystery developer is son of former Chinese vice-president, says lawyer
John Garnaut IN BEIJING and Vanda Carson
October 12, 2010

THE mystery couple proposing to demolish and rebuild a $32 million Point Piper home are the son and daughter-in-law of one of China's most powerful politicians, according to their Sydney lawyer.

The former vice-president Zeng Qinghong is known in China as the most important organiser behind a loose faction of ''princelings'' - children from leading revolutionary families - and is said to have brokered the surprise deal that anointed Xi Jinping to be the likely next president of China.

Mr Zeng has a son called Zeng Wei, who is understood to have married a Beijing Dance Academy graduate called Jiang Mei, whose names correspond with those on the transfer documents of the Point Piper mansion.

Yesterday the Herald asked the Sydney lawyer for Zeng Wei, the Point Piper property owner, whether his client was the son of Zeng Qinghong, the former Chinese vice-president.

''I believe so,'' said the lawyer, John Comino, who was the mayor of Woollahra, after declining several times to reveal the owners' identity.

Mr Comino said he has little direct contact with the couple: ''I can't contact them directly in China.''

Woollahra Council last night refused to approve the demolition and construction of the new home. It was the third attempt by the couple to get their plans through council. They will now appeal to the Land and Environment Court.

The business affairs of children of Communist Party officials are a sensitive topic in China. Discussion is banned from domestic media and heavily censored on the internet.

Apart from Mr Comino, other representatives of the Sydney mansion owners declined to clarify their identity.

''People just want to maintain their privacy, as everyone does I guess,'' said Gavan Slaughter, a spokesman for the family, who helps supervise architectural work at the Point Piper property.

''[Mr Zeng] is a very pleasant gentleman,'' said the architect, Stephen Gergely. ''I met him several times during the stages of this discussion. He is a developer.'' Mr Gergely declined to say more.

A neighbour said the couple had two sons who were going to be educated in Sydney and would return to China for university.

The accounting firm acting for the couple, Mitchell Partners, said ''we never talk to him directly'', referring to Mr Zeng.

Several Beijing associates of Zeng Wei have told the Herald that he has spent considerable time in Australia and also Singapore in recent years. Some Beijing sources say Mr Zeng has received an Australian business migration visa, consistent with a 2007 Herald report.


  1. 杨羽 Said,

    12 10 月, 2010 @ 11:40


  2. leonidas Said,

    13 10 月, 2010 @ 02:44


  3. 乡长 Said,

    24 10 月, 2010 @ 12:45

    闷声发大财 哈哈

  4. EchoXiangzhou Said,

    24 3 月, 2011 @ 16:25

