Archive for 1 月, 2006

"Deutsch ist unsere Sprache"

标题带的引号, 并不是我的题目, 不过是看见了引用一下. "Deutsch ist unsere Sprache", 德语的意思大致是"德语是我们的语言", 或者更进一步"我们说德语". 是我在小镇车站看见的一个标语, 用很小的纸张贴在广告栏上(略有"地下党"的特色), 已经见到几次了,不过每次都为时不长就被别人撕毁了.
从一个"外国人"的角度,这样的标语确实非常不友好. 虽然德国的文化也面临和中国类似的问题, 对抗以好莱坞为代表的强势英语文化, 法国已经采取了不少的措施, 不过仍然有不少难以避免的问题. 例如科学的语言, 英语具有绝对的优势. 不过, 接触德语以后发现, 其实德语作为科学语言也许更好, 表述非常准确, 可是现在已经是事实了. 我所在的小镇, 几乎是依靠附近的研究中心(FZK), 在近几十年发展起来的, 居民不少是中心的科学家, 外国人当然不少, 完全会用德语的不多. 在别的地方见到这样的标题, 也许是一种对于德国文化的"倡导"; 但在小镇上就明显是一种"挑衅", 这个车站还是研究中心工作人员每天换车上下班的地方. 倘使没有国际间的交流, 德国的科学水平将会止步不前. 而相比较, 美国的语言优势, 和文化熔炉的特征, 将更吸引国外科学家之间的相互合作. 而排外和语言也正是德国现在在科学上的劣势, 不禁想起爱因斯坦离开德国时的一个宣言, 关于宽容和包容的.
幸好, 每次贴出这样的标题都会有人主动去撕掉, 至于是谁做的事情, 却不得而知. 如果是小镇的德国人移除了标语, 那么至少这样的想法不是大多数德国人的.

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The Collected Poems of William Wordsworth

Amazon上买到的一册,原来以为是选集,结果到手一看900多页, 想来这个Collected应该不是"选择的",而是"搜集的",否则就应该是"Selected". 还好捧在手上不是很重,在Amazon上标明几种书的类别,例如Taschenbush"口袋书"和"精装", 有很好的分类和针对性, 当然价格什么的差别不小. 出版社是"The Wordsworth Poetry Library"(华兹华斯诗歌图书馆),印刷什么的感觉像是地下工厂的作品. 字号很小,纸张偏暗. 相比较, 反是国内见到的一册, 翻译印刷俱佳.


Henri Cartier-Bresson


Comments (6)

Zeiss Ikon Contaflex prima

在Ebay.de上乱转的时候看见的相机,想拍的时候只有45欧。带3组镜头(Pantar镜头1:2.8/45mm; 1:4/30mm; 1:4/70mm),和很多附件(闪光灯等等)。于是守了半个小时,结果被别人超过,连运费80欧成交,想想不到800RMB可以买到什么样子的相机。难得还是可以发现不少好东西的。

Zeiss Ikon Contaflex prima,50年前东德蔡司Contaflex系列中准专业相机,135系统单反,在“色影无忌”上口碑不错。国内算是奇货可居,在德国的电子二手市场上,倒是不难找到。 


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Nuclear fusion reactor project in France: an expensive and senseless nuclear stupidity

28 June 2005

Paris, France — Greenpeace deplores the agreement by the Representatives of the Parties to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) (1) to construct one of the world's largest nuclear fusion experiments in Cadarache, Southern France. The project, estimated to cost 10bn euros, will not generate any electricity, instead it will need massive amounts of energy to heat up.

"With 10 billion, we could build 10,000MW offshore windfarms, delivering electricity for 7.5 million European households," said Jan Vande Putte of Greenpeace International. Advocates of fusion research predict that the first commercial fusion electricity might be delivered in 50 to 80 years from now. But most likely, it will lead to a dead end, as the technical barriers to be overcome are enormous.

Today, the nuclear industry presents itself as the solution to climate change in a massive green-washing drive. Far from being a solution, the nuclear option stalls real action to combat dangerous climate change. It is taking away the money for real solutions that are ready and economically available at a large scale, such as wind energy.

Fusion energy - if it would ever operate - would create a serious waste problem, would emit large amounts of radioactive material and could be used to produce materials for nuclear weapons. A whole new set of nuclear risks would thus be created.

"Governments should not waste our money on a dangerous toy which will never deliver any useful energy," said Jan Vande Putte of Greenpeace International. Instead, they should invest in renewable energy which is abundantly available, not in 2080 but today"

Notes to Editor

(1) The European Union, the United States, Rusia, Japan, South Korea and China are partners in this project.

